Kyla-Yen Giffin
Kyla-Yến Huỳnh Giffin (they/them) is a 23-year-old queer and trans Vietnamese American diaspora writer, whose work revolves around themes of dreaming, fantasizing, and futurizing. Originally from the Bay Area, CA, they received their B.A. in Anthropology from Brandeis University and now reside in Cambridge, MA, where they work in Communications and Administration at True Costs Initiative. They are also an upcoming writing resident at the Sundress Academy for the Arts (SAFTA).
Kyla-Yến's writing can be found in GASHER Journal, For Page & Screen Magazine, Beyond Queer Words, The Amazine, and Vanguard, and is also forthcoming in Trident Poetry Collective’s chapbook series. They have placed as a semi-finalist and finalist in several writing competitions including the 2023 Boston New Works Festival, Porter Square Books’ 2024 Writers in Residence Program, and Novel Slices’ Issue 7 contest, as well as been featured in an interview on For Page & Screen Productions’ 2024 Summer Interview Series podcast, and in readings with Mass Poetry’s U35 Reading Series and GASHER Journal’s Cherry Moon Launch Reading. You can check out Kyla-Yến's full writing portfolio at kyla-yen.squarespace.com, and follow them on Instagram @yenshrine.